André's Blog

PHP, Zend Framework, Mac/Cocoa Programming

Posts Tagged ‘arraycontroller

NSCollectionView Tutorial for Dummies (Xcode 3.1.3)

with 48 comments

Note: I wrote this tutorial since I believe that there are way too few resources on the net covering this topic and I would have been wasting way less time if I had found something like this. Please keep in mind that I’m a ObjC-beginner myself.


This tutorial is written in a way that it doesn’t require much knowledge of cocoa/objective-c, but since I’m not explaining most of the code, programming experiences will be helpful to understand what you are doing.

The following things will be covered by this tutorial:

  • designing a user interface with buttons and a NSCollectionView
  • designing a Subview which should be displayed in the CollectionView
  • feeding the CollectionView using an ArrayController
  • making the items in the CollectionView selectable

This is what the final application at the end of the tutorial will look like:

NSCollectionView Tut Step 13

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Written by andrehoffmann

August 29, 2009 at 7:29 pm